While we expect your stay to go smoothly, it's always helpful to know what to do in case of an emergency.
PT Emergency Service
Bairro da Graça Clinical Center
Travessa das Mónicas, nº 57 D
+351 218 806 000
WORKING from 08h00 to 18h00 on weekdays
Hospital de São José
Rua José António Serrano
+351 218 841 000
Graça Fire Station
Largo da Graça
+351 218 171 441
Police Station
R. da Palma 169, 1100-391 Lisboa
+ 351 213 513 642
Due to the historic nature of the building, some features might feel a bit unconventional. The building door, for instance, opens in two steps. First insert the code #1400# on the numeric keypad on the wall, at the wright. After the "buzz" noise, push the handle to open the first side. After this you can unlock the small latches at the top of the left side of the door by pulling them down.
After passing through, please lock the latches back into place to ensure the door’s electrical mechanism works correctly for future use.
In case the door doesn’t open, it’s likely because the latches on the left door were not locked after previous use. So please try to Enter the code, then push the door firmly to open it, you will probably need to use a bit more strength than usual. Once through, please lock the latches on the upper part of the left door to restore normal function.
Your apartment door opens with the PIN code that you received from your host. This pin will be working during your stay from the moment of check-in until your check-out.
To lock the door, pull it firmly towards you. From the inside, you can disable the PIN access by turning the lock under the handle to the left. The door is equipped with an "anti-panic" feature, so it will always open from the inside by pulling the handle, even if the lock is engaged.
Your belongings inside the apartment are your responsibility. We advise you to keep your door PIN code secure and avoid sharing it with anyone outside your reservation group. We also appreciate if you do the same regarding the entrance of the building PIN code.
Please note that the building is shared with other guests staying in the other floors. We recommend not leaving your belongings in common areas unattended or keeping your apartment door open.
The building door should also be closed correctly every time you enter or exit.
Alfama is a safe neighborhood, but as a highly touristic area, it tends to be lively and bustling. To maintain the privacy of the building and its residents, we kindly ask for your cooperation in keeping it secure and discreet.
Inside your apartment, there are emergency devices that should be handled with care:
Fire extinguisher: Located in the kitchen, for use only in the event of a fire.
First aid kit: In the bathroom, containing disinfectants and band-aids for minor injuries.
In case of an emergency, contact the local authorities and inform your host immediately.
The apartment switchboard controls all electrical appliances inside. In the event of an overload, the power will shut off automatically. If this happens, unplug one or more devices and reset the power by switching on the circuit breaker on the board.
Each apartment has its switchboard located as follows:
Apartments 0 and 1: On the wall between the living room and kitchen.
Apartments 2 and 3: In the corridor, next to the bathroom door.
Apartment 4: on the wardrobe at the entrance door.